Welcome to our new page
Weclome to our new website. We will be putting up ride information, pictures, updates on the park, events and much much more. If you are new to the fan page please give us a like on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our new Youtube chanel.
If you can see anything that you would change about our page, we would love to here from you. You can do this in a number of ways
1) Our Facebook page through mail or through a post through our page. We will always try our best to answer back as soon as possible
2) Our Twitter page. Feel free to give us a tweet.
3) Email. We also have a email acount.
4) Feedback form. We now have a feedback form.
All our contact information can be found on this website on the contact page. We are always trying to make improvements and if you can see any we would love to hear them.
Please remeber this is a fan page. We have nothing to do with the park. Any compaints or feedback about the park will be listened to and advise will be given on who to contact.
Please have a look around and we will look forward to hearing from you.
Skegness Pleasure Bottons Fan Page Team